Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Politics, Respect and Disagreement

I was listening to talk radio just a few minutes ago and I really started to get irritated. It was mentioned by the talk show host that John McCain had come out immediately after Hillary Clinton withdrew from the race and said that he had great respect for Ms. Clinton and perhaps even has a freindship with her. Both canidates have been very respectful to each other and have complimented each other quite often. (For more information on thier freindship and respect see This particular talk show host, though, was calling this a negative. He claimed that McCain was merely trying to court the Hillary Clinton supporters and it would end up turning off most of the true conservatives. My question is When did it become wrong to respect and even be freinds with someone who disagrees with you?

I have always prided myself in the diversity of my friends. I have friends who are gay, straight, liberal, conservative, middle of the road, don't know what they believe, right wing nuts, left wing nuts, open minded, closed minded, to the right of Attilla the Hun, virtual socialists, Jewish, Islamic, Christian, red necks, cowboys, city slickers, fundamentalists, literalists, and just about any other title you might think to give someone. I enjoy talking a debating our various areas of disagreement with each of them, because they are respectful toward me and I respect them as well. Do I think I am right? Absolutely, or I would have changed my mind, but that does not mean I have to be mean spiritted and arrogant about what I believe.

You know, it seems to me that Jesus hung out with a divergent crowd as well. One of his disciples was a zealot, another a tax collector, he had some fishermen and at least one disciple that was known by the high priest. Then there is the people he talked to and created a relationship with, there were Pharisees, prostitutes, tax collectors, women of questionable reputation, crippled people, sick people and the unclean in society. If Jesus could be friends with such diversity, then maybe we could be freinds with those that disagree with us as well.

I gained a new respect for Senator Ted Kennedy when I heard one fellow congress person make the comment that he could argue a point vehemently with you on the senate floor, he could be passionate in his disagreement with you, but when the senate dismissed he would pat you on the back and greet you as an old friend. That is the way it shold be.

Perhaps if the church could be better at respecting and loving those we disagree with, then the world just might take our example. There is nothing wrong with disagreement. We each disagree with each other in one way or another. What is wrong is hate speech and failing to love one another. Christ preached against these things. We as Christians should stand up and demand more respect and civility in our politics and in our culture. I pray that we will.

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